Wheat biscuit variation

It was breakfast time and the night before I said I was going to make biscuits.  I went for the self-rising flour and found that we did not have any.  It was too early to go to the store, and too late to try for something else.

I made my own biscuit mix on the fly.  We had unbleached wheat flour and a bag of whole wheat flour that I mixed together.  I added salt, baking powder and sugar for sweetness to the flour and mixed it up.  For fat, I used butter, cold from the refrigerator, cubed and put into the flour in our stand mixer. I  let the mixer go until it was crumbly.  Then added a container of buttermilk and let the mixer fold it in, but it seemed a bit dry, so I added some cream to bring the dough up a little more.

Using a 2 oz scoop, I made lines of the biscuits on the silpat.  The oven had been warming at 420 and put back down to 400 when I put the biscuits in.

It only took about 10 minutes for them to color, but the whole wheat is deceptive.  They were done in another 10, our convection on for the last five minutes.

I served them with sliced strawberries and un-whipped cream.  They were a success.

Chef Josh

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